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Ruined Legacies : Essay

The best-selling gimmick our nation’s political leaders have is progress, or at least the promise of it. A few honestly have tried to...

Lead The Way: Essay

Leaders may emerge in our minds as grand figures at the helm of banks and corporations, spearheading the economic progress of a nation....

Democratic Mockery: Truth

At any given time, a country has an abundance of problems that its government is struggling or failing to deal with. But as with life on...

Both Ways: Essay

Your feet striking the asphalt as you feel the heat of your breath again, after having spent weeks cooped up. Even a walk feels...

Uncharted: Essay

Thrown into the violent arena of life from infancy, we are all at the mercy of our own competitiveness. Or so we should believe. We are...

A Willing Purpose: Essay

Philosophy shapes the way we think, the way we learn which in turn moulds the way we act, and our life is the sum of all our actions....

Blog: Blog2
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