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Meaning: Poem

All of us grow old No escape from it How does, though, one Grow young? This heart beats As do all hearts Which can This tongue speaks As...

No Longer A Fiction: Poem

In the worlds between my skin and bones, something trembled My vision cracked, as if reality had grown tired of my uncouth eyes Fire...

To Posterity: Poem

I have been on the roads across This land Been through its streets and alleys Though it was different, all of it Before I walked here,...

A Winter Case: Poem

Cold has made my toes and fingers ice Noon sun shines warm I thaw myself Book opened, legs crossed, I begin to read But the distractions...

Have A Sea: Poem

Seawater and salt Together yet separate A reasonably fitting analogy For anyone you’ll share your story and, If you’re lucky, your heart...

Feline Boon: Poem

On her face, storms and blizzards merge Sounds escape her mouth only for want of food and play And she sleeps, curled in the furrows of...

Unbeknownst: Poem

The trees have run away from here The ground pulled bare and baked But we don’t know about them Of the creepers in our gardens Of the...

Mundane: Poem

Cracked red floors Pockmarks on the paling ancient walls The conjoined bed frame shifting as I try to find a spot of comfort A fan above...

Untamed: Poem

His sovereignty captive Legs for striding across grasslands Now feeble and withered Roam in circles along moats and fences The grand mane...

Gone The Very Next: Poem

Walking up and down the same streets To and from the same rooms Seeing the same sights Try not to get too caught up In the thinking And...

Morbidly: Poem

The human race, such helpless creatures Doomed as any other animal Still raging on the battles, clinging to Our naivete Walking slowly...

Rough Kindling: Poem

Out in woods somewhere The dark rising and no Encampments in sight My stomach full yet I scrounge for more Nourishment A spark I carry...

Blog: Blog2
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