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A Winter Case: Poem

Cold has made my toes and fingers ice

Noon sun shines warm

I thaw myself

Book opened, legs crossed, I begin to read

But the distractions are many

Two buildings across-four floors down, a boy

Leaning over the edge for a glimpse of his friends, ready to play, his bat flung over

His mother leaning over after he rushes out

Policing his playmates and their bandwagon frolicking

A building across-one floor up, a mother and daughter hanging clothes fresh from washing

The mother is swift, executing actions rehearsed thousands times over

The daughter moves as a novice, leisure in her limbs

The mother looks over, shakes her head, knows there is much to be learnt, much to be done

Two floors down, a balding man teaching his grandson

How to garden on the seven flowerpots in their 12-by-10 balcony

They both squat down, rakes and shovels ready

And so begins the lesson of dirt, water, sun, seed and daily tending

The distractions are many and I forget to read the book of poetry in my hand

But the ice has melted.

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