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Democratic Mockery: Truth

Updated: Dec 20, 2021

At any given time, a country has an abundance of problems that its government is struggling or failing to deal with. But as with life on a personal level, the true gauge of worth is if one tries their best or not, if one gives their all or not.

This not a government that altruistically works for national betterment, this is not a government that is tirelessly driven for true progress. When in a country, the media is constantly filled with talks of domestic conspiracies, subterfuge, and invasions while concern is lost for pollution, unemployment, health, safety, and growth, then that exhibits the priorities of national governance in stark clarity. After all, would the public care about chemical runoff and domestic violence when there are nefarious traitors laying waste to the fabric of the nation?

Misplaced outrage has been effective as a tool of misdirection for a political group which is at its best a separatist approach to wrangle greater autonomy and at its worst, which we are close to, a totalitarian fascist regime with a view to exploit, abuse, harass, exile, decimate, or push into irrelevance any head that doesn't bow.

Too many well-meaning citizens of this country, under the lack of a better alternative, offered their one vote to people who are yet to show any more integrity or morality than those they replaced. Corruption then led to financial frauds and scandals; corruption now leads to murderous mobs and communal warfare.

Each and every person that considers himself or herself educated, not merely schooled or trained, is being mocked right now. For how could a truly educated human, with all that's happening around us, sit idle and inactive? The truly educated person would use the influence and voice he has, however slight and gentle they may be.

Until people with electoral power realize the value of the force of change they wield, our nation's state will only get more disheartening, day by day, atrocious headline by atrocious headline.

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