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Feline Boon: Poem

Updated: Dec 20, 2021

On her face, storms and blizzards merge Sounds escape her mouth only for want of food and play And she sleeps, curled in the furrows of blankets Dreaming of, probably, the pigeons she stalks from the windows Perched on my shoulder she keeps under close observation

this house, her domain The walls are hers, the furniture is hers and

the humans who live here are hers I wonder if her separated siblings enjoy the same sovereignty She jumps and snatches and bites and scratches She draws blood and leaves scars And we bear it all with more than a smile For she is free of malice or spite For she eats silently and sleeps freely For carrying her around on my shoulder is Among the greatest joys of my day

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1 Comment

Feb 27, 2021

Well done good one about the divinity in all living creatures

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