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Gone The Very Next: Poem

Updated: Dec 21, 2021

Walking up and down the same streets

To and from the same rooms

Seeing the same sights

Try not to get too caught up

In the thinking

And rationalizing and analyzing

All that you see, all that you hear, all that you say

Remember to feel

A bit more than we do now

The cars never know it, the clothes have no idea about it

The beds you sleep on or the plates you eat in

None of them know

Still try not to forget

To feel all that you can, while you still can

The illogical rage at the pillow which doesn’t suit your head

The socks that are too tight for your perfectly hideous feet

All the useless, timeless crap that litters your room

Making you slower than a sloth after a binge

Let it not be all that you gets a rise out of you

Gather your scattered bits and recreate a corner of your heart

Keep it well-lit and well-watered

What grows from there, allow it to coil itself around you

So that your eyes moisten more often

And your chest fills with the cackle

Of carefree laughter far more frequently

Give your fingers and toes

Some more warmth, a few more chances

To curl and stretch

Just to let yourself walk the same streets

With an easier step and a gaze

Resting out of a lighter head

Seeing more in the same sights

Than it could before

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