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Have A Sea: Poem

Updated: Dec 20, 2021

Seawater and salt

Together yet separate

A reasonably fitting analogy

For anyone you’ll share your story and,

If you’re lucky, your heart with

One shall carry the other more often than a fair share

For the seesaw will always see or saw

And no matter how much we boil

Each other in the heat of our ideals

An equilibrium is only found in textbooks

Still, as high or low as the swing can go

Both are needed for the rhythm to catch on

Even though the salt may be the one dissolved

Take it out and the water loses the crowning glory of its tale

Becoming a liquid ordinary and pale

Together, oceans they have created

Craters they fill and life sprouts from barren holes

Seawater and salt

Might be you and you know who

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