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Meaning: Poem

All of us grow old

No escape from it

How does, though, one

Grow young?

This heart beats

As do all hearts

Which can

This tongue speaks

As do all tongues

Which can, in their own tongues

What is heard?

I ruminate all about, but

It is not words

I am trying to say

It is not words

I want you to receive

The message is in the glass bottle

And it floats across to you

Across a sea that

only you may save it from

Find it, but

Try not to make the

form of the bottle

Superior to the

beauty of the message

I want you to taste bread,

Its warmth fresh from the oven

A crust crisp with

sounds of deliciousness

Contentment of your

empty stomach as it

receives baked nourishment

Not lick the iron grey of

The serving platter

I want you to feel the caress

Of soft, full cloth on your skin

Feel its protection of your flesh

From rain,




and harsh sun

Not lose to the obsessions of


and shades

and shapes

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