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Uncharted: Essay

Updated: Dec 21, 2021

Thrown into the violent arena of life from infancy, we are all at the mercy of our own competitiveness. Or so we should believe. We are tutored to be unrelenting. If I want the best schools and colleges to open their doors to me, if I want the best jobs, in short if I want the best life then I cannot stop hammering away for it.

Yet in the constant sermons of the virtue of relentlessness we hear, the subject of dreams is touched upon far too little. My dreams take me to places I am still to visit, my dreams engage me in actions which are unknown to me, my dreams introduce me to surreal figures. For me, my dreams are as vital as the air I breathe. Bleeding for them, working for them to fragile points of insanity is justified.

Maybe it was working with cars, maybe it was seeing yourself play a sport at the global level, or maybe philanthropy. The dreams you’ve had for yourself are one of the rare things that will ever truly be yours in this life; to take them lightly is unfaithfulness to yourself.

If they ever come true in all their grandeur or not isn’t the question you should bother yourself with. Do you put yourself to work for them every day? Do you keep at the toil till even your bones are drained? Big or small, your dreams deserve your reminding yourself again and again and again of the value of these questions. Be relentless, tireless but for that which matters. A life without dreams is not one I would be fond of living.

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